Thursday, March 16, 2017

Sola Fide- Faith Alone


“For by grace you have been saved by faith, and this not of yourselves.  It is the gift of God so that no one can boast.”  (Ephesians 2:8,9).

“A man is justified by faith apart from works of law.” (Romans 3:28)

“Faith, thus receiving and resting on Christ and his righteousness, is the alone instrument of justification…that works by love.” (WCF 13.2)

Thoughts: For Martin Luther, this was the foundational principle of the Reformation.  Everything else should be measured against this for him.  Faith itself is a gift from God of His grace.  Today there is a great deal of boasting.  But we cannot and should not boast of saving ourselves. 
    It is through faith- not through any good acts- not prayer, Bible reading, church attendance, helping the poor, voting properly, establishing a Christian state, not a religious bureaucracy or a religious elite telling us what to do.  Faith puts all people on equal footing- no matter what our wealth, education, popularity, faith is what counts.  We would do well to note that in our day.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your gift of faith.
  Help my faith to grow and honor you.  

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