Friday, March 24, 2017

Soli Dei Gloria- Thoughts on Glory


In the Old Testament, the word “Glory” is Kabod meaning heavy.  It tends to imply that someone who receives glory is rich (Gen. 31:1), powerful (Is .8:7), in position (Gen. 45:13).  Kabod also carried with it the idea of light emanating from the center of God’s glory- a blinding splendor with flashes of lightning. 
In the New Testament the word “Glory” is doxa- from which we get our word “doxology.”  It denotes the majesty and holiness of God. 
    Christ is the manifestation of the divine glory (Heb. 1:3);  he is the exact representation (Col. 1).  We see the glory of the One and Only in this Word made flesh (John 1:14).  Christ purely glorified the Father.  He was full of grace and truth.  As we imitate Christ- as we love others and do His work we also honor and glorify God. 
    We glorify God as we reflect His glory in our lives.  Jesus is the light of the world- and he calls us “the light of the world.”  But our lights are reflectors of His great light.  Moses face glowed when he saw the glory of God on the mountain- but it was not Moses’ glory that was reflected-  but God’s glory that was glowing on Moses’ face.  Any glory we have should point people to the glory of God working in and through us. 
     In heaven we shall see this glory face to face.  We shall be made like Him and enabled to be in the 
presence of the throne of God- to see the throne described but beyond description in the book of Revelation. 

Prayer: Lord, when I am honored, give me grace to point up to you.  When I am blessed, help me to remember you are the Blessor.  

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