Thursday, March 23, 2017

Soli Dei Gloria- Nature Glorifies God

The heavens are telling the glory of God, and the earth proclaims the work of His hands.  Psalm 19:1

Calvin believed that the created order display the goodness of the Creator (Selderhuis CH p.274).  Nature, he said, is the “theater” of God’s glory, the “mirror” of the providence and power of God, a “witness” to the glory of God and proof of his love toward man (Inst I.5.1,8; I 6.2).  

The world along with all humans groan for a day when things will be fair and just- where right wins and is clear.  But the problem is that we know if we were treated justly we would be condemned.  Yet we long for things to be made right.  We long for the heat to not be so hot and the cold to not be so cold.  We long for bad things to come out of the shadows.  We long for the weak to be made strong, and the captive to be set free, the blind to see and the deaf to hear.  Jesus gave us a glimpse of this happening when he came the first time- healing and helping.  One day there will be no more dark, and there will be no more sun to eclipse.  God will be our light and we will see things for what they really are.  In the meantime- the sun points to the Son. The invisible qualities of God are seen in creation (Romans 1).  Creation is like the moon reflecting the sun.  Creation is the fingerprint of God- pointing to His glory.  We do not need to glorify anything in creation.  Creation is meant to be a mirror to reflect God's light..  To glorify creation would be to glorify the mirror instead of the substance.  But creation is meant to reflect the One we should glorify.  

Prayer: Lord, give me eyes to see your invisible character in nature.  

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