Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Sola Gratia- The Role of Good Works

 4But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, 5he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, 6whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior,7so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. (Titus 3:4-6)

   Late Medieval Teaching (Occam-Biel, Duuns Scotus) taught that doing good prepares us to receive God’s grace.  “By living up to the highest within him, he could merit the grace of justification.”  Occam said that “God is committed to give his grace to all who do what is in them.”  For some Protestants on the far right or far left, this is their view- a semi-Pelagian view that we cooperate with God to receive grace.  The Council of Trent affirmed this view in reaction to the Reformers.  Bloesch points out that “Luther did not deny that people do on occasion seek and ask for the grace of God.”  Yet in his view, “this very wishing and asking, seeking or knocking is the gift of provenient grace, not of our eliciting will.”
Calvin said, “God does not graciously accept us because he sees our change for the better…he comes into our lives , taking us just as we are out of pure mercy.” (CR Calvin 39.139).  Kuyper said, “All our running and racing, toiling and slaving, can not create in us a holy disposition.  God alone can do that.” 
    Protestantism encouraged doing good- but not in order to be saved or cooperate with our salvation.  Luther and Calvin spoke of doing good out of gratitude to God and love for Him, not because we have to do good in order to obtain His favor.  Calvin pointed out we do good not as servants who are paid, but as sons out of love.
    Why do you even try to be good? There are some who only live by their feelings- or by other’s feelings (not trying to hurt others).  But people will be hurt.  Some are offended when you do good today.  Others are offended when you do bad.  Truth is, we are God’s children (if we believe in Him) and we want to please God above all others. 

Prayer: Lord, Help me to do good- not because I have to do it- but because I am grateful toward you. 

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