Day 10 3/10/17- THE
Had you believed Moses, you would have believed me, for he testified of me.” (John 5:46)
There is a supernatural character of the Bible. It is amazing that it has escaped persecution (Greek, Roman, Chinese and more). One of the most expensive books in English ever is the “Cuthbert” printing of the Gospel of John ($14.3 million). The Guttenberg Bible sold for $4.9 million in 1987. It is the most translated book in the world by far (636 languages and 3,233 partial translations as of 2016).
One of the amazing things that the eyes of faith see in scripture is its unity. It is a book written over 1400 years with over 40 authors of 66 books. Yet the theme of who God is, who human beings are, and the need for grace and forgiveness runs throughout. There is no book like it. There are other sacred books written by one author (like the Koran by Mohammed, or the Analects by Confucius) that you would expect have a unified theme. There are other books that are written over centuries with diverse views of God (like the Hindu Vedas). The idea that God is one is found in both Old and New Testaments; the idea of holiness and that God cares about our behavior and sets forth His will is in both; the idea of love and grace are found throughout. Genesis and Revelation (the first and last books) have similar ideas of God, man, sin, Satan, paradise, and the tree of life. What is introduced in Genesis is accounted for in Revelation. (Ramm).
The Bible is a handbook of our faith. It is the constitution of the church. It is a map to God and to the duty we owe God. The Bible is more than just a history book or a history of a people’s faith from which we can learn. It is a Word for us. God is not silent- but cares and speaks a Word. Jesus said, “You search the scriptures for in them you think you find eternal life. But the Scripture testifies about me” (John 5:29). The Scripture is our Covenant Book. It is a record but also a promise of how God related, relates, and will relate to His people. The word “diatheke” does not mean “testament” as much as it means “covenant.” It is a promise to relate- “I will be their God and they will be my people.” Both testaments are a covenant to relate in love to God’s people.
There have been over 6 billion Bibles printed, with over 100 million sold or given away each year, and the number is growing. Where is the competitor to the Ten Commandments or to Jesus’ Beatitudes or Lord’s Prayer?
Had you believed Moses, you would have believed me, for he testified of me.” (John 5:46)
There is a supernatural character of the Bible. It is amazing that it has escaped persecution (Greek, Roman, Chinese and more). One of the most expensive books in English ever is the “Cuthbert” printing of the Gospel of John ($14.3 million). The Guttenberg Bible sold for $4.9 million in 1987. It is the most translated book in the world by far (636 languages and 3,233 partial translations as of 2016).
One of the amazing things that the eyes of faith see in scripture is its unity. It is a book written over 1400 years with over 40 authors of 66 books. Yet the theme of who God is, who human beings are, and the need for grace and forgiveness runs throughout. There is no book like it. There are other sacred books written by one author (like the Koran by Mohammed, or the Analects by Confucius) that you would expect have a unified theme. There are other books that are written over centuries with diverse views of God (like the Hindu Vedas). The idea that God is one is found in both Old and New Testaments; the idea of holiness and that God cares about our behavior and sets forth His will is in both; the idea of love and grace are found throughout. Genesis and Revelation (the first and last books) have similar ideas of God, man, sin, Satan, paradise, and the tree of life. What is introduced in Genesis is accounted for in Revelation. (Ramm).
The Bible is a handbook of our faith. It is the constitution of the church. It is a map to God and to the duty we owe God. The Bible is more than just a history book or a history of a people’s faith from which we can learn. It is a Word for us. God is not silent- but cares and speaks a Word. Jesus said, “You search the scriptures for in them you think you find eternal life. But the Scripture testifies about me” (John 5:29). The Scripture is our Covenant Book. It is a record but also a promise of how God related, relates, and will relate to His people. The word “diatheke” does not mean “testament” as much as it means “covenant.” It is a promise to relate- “I will be their God and they will be my people.” Both testaments are a covenant to relate in love to God’s people.
There have been over 6 billion Bibles printed, with over 100 million sold or given away each year, and the number is growing. Where is the competitor to the Ten Commandments or to Jesus’ Beatitudes or Lord’s Prayer?
Prayer: Lord, you have in your providence,
provided a Word for me. Help me to hear
it and apply it to my life.
Gutenburg Bible
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