Monday, March 13, 2017

Sola Gratia- Grace vs. Karma

“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked.  What we reap we also sow.” Galatians 6:7
there is, “…no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:1-2)

      The idea that we get what we deserve and we reap what we sow are certainly natural ideas.  The Hindu idea of Karma- that the bad that you do comes back to haunt you and the good comes back to bless you is very different from the idea of grace.  Grace is undeserved favor.  Mercy is not punishing us as we deserve; Grace is God’s blessing us when we do not deserve it.  Grace and mercy are not fair, but they are a deep relief to those who don’t deserve them.  Once a man could not make his house payments.  That the bank did not foreclose on him was mercy.  That his friend heard about his demise and made his house payment was grace.  The ultimate blessing here is salvation.  
         One of the myths people believe is that we deserve heaven just because we are (and despite what we do).  Their reasoning is that it is not fair that God would create anyone who does not go to heaven.  But God does not force us to be good and does not force everyone to accept His love.  It is obvious that some purposefully choose to reject God and to reject His ways.  What is their karma?  Should the devil go to heaven?  There are some who think that God will continually offer His love until the ones who reject Him break down.  Scripture itself does not teach this.  Hebrews 9:27 says, “we are destined to die and after this the judgment.”  There is a sense in which judgment comes right at our death.  So Jesus could tell the thief on the cross, “Today you will be with me in paradise.”  Paul could say “to depart is to be with Christ.”  Those who believe that belief and behavior here do not really matter because they will be given a second chance are hoping in a hopeless hope.  The idea that we will be reincarnated and that reincarnation (or transmigration of the soul) will give us a second chance downplays that those who are reincarnated or transmigrated do not learn from their mistakes in the previous life.  No, there is judgment.  This is what we deserve- all of us.  But God chooses some out of this judgment to Himself.  Before the Reformation the second chance idea evolved into the idea of purgatory.  This evolved into a different idea of grace (explained in the next lesson) that could be conferred from one person to the next, and prayers made after death to transport the soul from a state of purgatory to heaven.  In some sense we want a second chance (thus reincarnation, transmigration, or purgatory).  Yet in another sense we want karma- to get what we deserve.  Basically, we have a deep fear and a denial of facing judgement- what we do deserve.  Grace is a reminder that God gives us mercy and hope beyond what we deserve.  This is amazing love.  In karma there is no love.  

Prayer: Thank you Lord, for your salvation and love you offer right here and now. 

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